At Murchison Minerals Ltd., we are committed to operating in a safe, socially and environmentally responsible manner, contributing to the prosperity of our employees, their families and respecting human rights, culture, custom and values of the people and the communities in which we operate. Murchison recognizes that mineral exploration and extraction will disturb the natural environment and local communities. Our responsibility is to conduct business in a manner that uses best practices to minimize the effects of our operations on the environment; to actively promote the sustainability of local communities; and, to provide a safe workplace for all employees, contractors, and visitors. Murchison is committed to partnering with local communities and businesses and to contribute to their economic and institutional development.
February 15, 2021

Sustainability Principles
All of Murchison’s activities are guided by the following sustainability principles:
- Safety is everyone’s responsibility, beginning with management and extending to every employee, contractor, and visitor to our operations. We operate in a manner that protects the health and safety of our workforce and the communities in which we work.
- All of our employees and contractors must be honest and ethical in all dealings with communities, stakeholders, government, business partners, and shareholders. We maintain ethical business practices and sound systems of corporate governance.
- Achievement of sustainable development requires integration of sustainable development considerations within all aspects of the corporate decision making process, beginning at the executive level.
- Murchison upholds fundamental human rights and respect for cultures, customs and values, in dealings with employees, communities, and others who are affected by our activities.
- Our engagement and communication with stakeholders (communities, aboriginal peoples, governments, organizations, groups and individuals) is open and transparent, effective, meaningful and inclusive.
- We protect environmental and social values by applying best management practices in all aspects and phases of our work, from exploration through to closure and reclamation. Regulatory compliance is the minimum standard of performance. We commit to exceeding regulatory requirements whenever necessary to ensure environmental and social sustainability.
- Murchison plans and operates projects to minimize the use of natural resources (e.g., land, water, energy). Our project plans address biodiversity conservation by avoiding disruption of critical habitats and protected areas, and employ an integrated approach to land use planning to manage and minimize conflicts with other land and resource users.
- We partner with local communities and businesses to establish and develop capacity and address local priorities and concerns, contributing to the social, economic and institutional development of the communities in which we operate.
- We continuously pursue improvement of our environmental, social, and health and safety performance and commit to public reporting of our performance to stakeholders.